I love saving us all some money so I have built relationships with brands to obtain discount codes for us all!
You can bookmark this page to have quick access when you are shopping with any of these retailers! Below are the codes that you can use. I will update as new codes become available!
* Clever Fox Planner: SAMANTHA10 for 10% off
* Coco Village: samee10 for 10% off
* HelloFresh: SAMEEKAYY14 for up to 14 meals free across 5 boxes.
* MVMT: SAMEEKAYY15 for 15% off
* Protea Lane: SAMANTHA10 for 10% off
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Calihan’s Birth Story
This week is a big week with Calihan turning one. I really wanted to share our birth story because it’s an important day in our lives. Before diving too deep into everything that happened, I want to let every woman who is about to give…
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Calihan’s “SoCal” Birthday Party Décor
Did you guess his theme based on the clues from my IG post? There’s one thing I have learned as a parent and that is that time goes so fast! I can’t believe we have a two year old now. I know that this year…