The best way for you to get to know our fam or myself personally is to answer any questions you might have! Each week I’ll gather the most popular questions from DMs or from the question box on IG stories and answer them!
Sunday, February 14th
,1. What is Cal’s favorite toy right now?
If his kitchen counts, I’d say hands down that! Cal plays with the food, pots and pans, cups, etc every day! I think this was honestly the best choice we’ve made is to get him one! I probably didn’t have to be so extra about it, but it’s okay hopefully one day he will look back and think that was so nice of us. Or maybe he will just laugh at how much time we spent on it. I believe the kitchen has also taught him fun skills. He puts the food in the pan and stirs it. He also fake washes his hands! it’s the cutest thing.
,2. Can we get more of a back story on how you have three cats?!
Yes! I’ve never liked cats. I was so scared of them! I went to South Africa when Lyall and I were dating, and I fell in love with his cat named Tuxedo. I would cuddle him and we just bonded. When I came back to Michigan, I was told about some kittens in the country. I went to go see them and that’s where I saw RJ! He is our biggest cat and is now 7 years old. He grew up with my parents dogs so he thinks he is a dog. He loves snuggles, and couldn’t harm a fly. He’s also protective over Calihan like they all are.
In 2014, I was living in my parents house so that’s why we bonded with the dogs. Once I moved out, he was so lonely. I couldn’t get a dog at that point so I looked at the humane society for a cat! I thought oh gosh, I barely like cats as it is… but here I am getting another. I found a humane society close by and they told me how a kitten was not being adopted because half of his fur was missing due to an acidic problem and was on meds. His mom was Maine Coon and so fluffy. I saw Figaro (his name came from the cat off pinocchio) and instantly fell in love. Since he adapted to Rjs vibe, he also became the same and just as loving! He loves belly rubs like dog. Also, cant believe people didn’t realize his hair would come back! So beautiful.
,3. What have you been doing to stay busy during the pandemic?
Lots of projects and cooking! I have become obsessed with projects lately. I’m sure Lyall is not pleased, but I’ve re decorated a bit and we have built a desk and gave Calihan’s play kitchen a makeover! Details on that here
I have also tried a few of my grandma‘s recipes now that I have them! I never had time to cook before because I would work long hours and would normally be home quite late! I always thought I hated cooking but realistically I just never had time to enjoy it!
,4. Did you and Lyall go to the same University?
We did not! I went to Grand Valley State University and he went to Calvin College (now university). I loved GVSU and he seemed to enjoy Calvin so it was the best decision for both of us! I went to school for Hospitality and Tourism Management, and GVSU is the place to be for that! Major of my classes were downtown so we were only about twenty minutes from each other. I really enjoyed us experiencing each other’s graduations!
,5. How did you get Calihan’s name?
This guy right here! Well his middle name. My grandpa (Bumpa) is my absolute best friend. I would do anything for him just like he did everything for me growing up. He has the kindest soul, the wittiest jokes, and heart of gold. I knew I wanted to use Miles or Douglas and my sister claimed Douglas so I took Miles. (As you can see he’s popular in the family). We liked Miles for a first name, but I always wanted my kids to have unique names so we kept it as a middle name.
Calihan is actually from the bucket list family. As I was going through so many names to go with Miles, I came across Calihan. I loved that it was unique but he could go by Cal which is normal. I call him Cali also which to me just reminds me of a surfer – California dude.
We were between a few names towards the end but the moment he came out, I said Calihan Miles 100%.
Here are a few more photos of my grandpa because he’s the cutest!! I’m with him as baby in the second and my all time favorite is him taking me on the tea cups!
Thanks for stopping by! If you have any questions for next week – ask away!